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Sunday, July 3, 2011

What do I want for you

It is so easy to think about all of the things in the world that we do not want.  The list is endless.  I don't want debt, I don't want to clean, I don't want to wake up in the morning, I don't want to watch every little morsel of food I put in to my mouth, I don't want cellulite, I don't want grey hair, I don't want to spend my hard earned money on bills, I don't want the money I earn to have to be "hard earned"  I think you get my drift.  Imagine if we flipped the script ( I just love that saying and have been searching for a chance to use it). Oooooh what fun that would be.  Focusing ONLY on what we DO want

At first I imagine my list would go something like this, I want oodles of money to live comfortably, I want the perfect figure, I want to de-clutter my home and my life, I want to go on a vacation, I want to open my closet and actually be stumped as to what to wear each day because there are so many fabulous clothes, lots of cool handbags and totes, I want a lightening fast computer with all sorts of cool softwear, I want an Ipad, Ipod, Iphone, an endless supply of peanut M&M's, a hot pink Toyota SUV that is good on gas, new furniture, a new stereo system, I want to drink 10 corona beers and not wake up with a hangover,I want a well stocked refrigerator, ( the kind that makes it's own ice and pours water), I want an endless supply of books on my kindle, glowing skin, and my own gym.  I want straight silky hair, perfectly plucked eyebrows, pedicure, manicure and a lifetime of facials and spa luxuries.

I imagine having all of that would be so much fun, so delightfully delicious, so endulging and satisfying.  And while all of those things are fabulous and there is nothing wrong with wealth and having nice things and treating yourself wonderful, the real question is sure to come up  again and again. after the initial bliss of material possesions begins to sink in.  What is it that I truly want?

These are the answers I came up with.  I want to be there for Zachary in the morning when I send him off to school.  I want to make him breakfast and laugh with him and send him off on his day, relaxed and calm. I want him to leave in the morning without feeling rushed and pulled and prodded like cattle, because Mom has to be to work on time so she can  please other people.  I want to be there for Zach and Ron when they get home.  I want to be in the house, with all of their clean clothes and supper cooking  while I make Zach a snack and we go through his backpack together and see what he did during the day.  I want financial freedom to be able to do this without feeling like some antiquated throwback form the 50's.  I want to spend my days doing the things I love to do, instead of squeezing them in at night between laundry, showers, cleaning up, and pure exhaustion.  Most of all I want to find out who I really am. without apologizing to anyone, especially myself.  I want to do this with the absence of judgement, FROM MYSELF.  The absence of guilt from MYSELF.  Who was it that said life had to be such a struggle?   I watch Zachary and how he lives.  Simple living he is ruled by his ID but has leaned how to control it.  If zach wants to sleep after school he does, if he wants to roam around in the middle of the night listening to music, he does that too.  If he loves standing out in the yard by the trees for hours at a time, doing what we all call nothing, he does it.  If he runs from the pool to the hot tub back to the pool back to the hot tub, he does it.  He makes sure he is true to himself, everyday.  For the longest time, I tried to set an example for Zachary, he has a very good work ethic, he wakes up every morning and does what he needs to do without complaining but he makes sure he also does what he WANTS to do.  I am learning from him in so many ways.  I am in awe of his simple lessons he teaches me everyday.  He has started a burning inside me to ask those important questions of myself.  What is it that truly makes me happy?  Zach knows that when he is happy I am happy.  I need to keep watching and learning from him.  I am so proud of the person he is and the person he has turned me into.  I began talking to him as though he is a silent monk who has all of the wisdom of the wise men inside of him.  He teaches me by his example.  How lucky I am .

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