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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What am I placing my faith in?

I unwrapped the sleek little box that held the ipad 2.  The box is holding dreams of communication with zach. Maybe we could converse in more than one word sentences.  Maybe we could put an end to some of the guessing games and the process of elimination regarding his ability to communicate.  Will THIS box hold the key?
It made me think back to the days of long ago when Zach was first diagnosed and after the initial shock wore off, I set out as a warrior mom ( sorry Jenny McCarthy) and I was going to find the magic bullet that was going to pull this boy out of that weird and unfamiliar world of autism.  I was on a hunt and NOTHING was off limits as far as what I would try.  I went for the long hard tedious therapy of discrete trial while still searching for the quick fix, the right vitamin,the right diet,cleansing,healing candles, prayers, Auditory Integration Therapy ( which is a 10 day alternative therapy that uses headphones and different frequencies of sound and cost over 100.00 per day)Reiki, Picture Exchange Card system, schedule boards,
I was even going to try secretin which is a form of an enzyme found in a pig.  Parents were swearing that this enzyme which they were injecting into their children was helping their children become "less autistic"  As I think back to my desperation, luckily I couldn't find a Dr. who would do it, even though I purchased a 60.00 book about it and sent it to his pediatrician.  There was Kelation therapy that I looked into which was supposed to detox all of the heavy chemicals in his body that  "made him have autism".  I was all set to do this until I found out that a child had actually died from the procedure.  There were so many mixed messages. Autism is a lifelong disorder that is rare and incurable,but then I would read autism can be cured by doing a- b- and c along with d-e-f-and g.  You can try h- i- and j but some kids became worse from j, and k is very expensive and don't mix therapy b with therapy g because it may make your child worse.  Make sure you take notes about how therapy c is working because you don't want to give credit to therapy c if it really is therapy f that is making the difference.  Does anyone else notice how friggen INSANE this is ?  I am picturing myself running around ( yes running, I was only about 27 years old ) talking about all this stuff, keeping notes, saving money, going to the library ( pre-internet) and finding all sorts of old outdated and simply AWFUL information about autism.  I tried this and that with minimal results, I always had hope that the next magic bullet was going to do the trick.  Now that I am older and I hope a little wiser, I realize that I was putting my faith into so many different and sometimes assinine therapies.  Each time they didn't "work" and pull him out of autism, I felt more and more defeated and more and more sorry for myself.  It was about this time, that I stopped reading about children being cured.  I was happy for those kids but I was bitter that it wasn't MY kid that was cured.  All of the faith and the hope I was running around with started turning into cynicism and I began to resent hearing about new therapies that were curing children.  I tried it all and NOTHING made any difference.
Before my cynicism kicked in I tried to be optimistic and hopeful, I was wide eyed and willing to try anything and everything.
What caused me to finally crack was that I was putting my faith into the wrong people and things.  Never once did I put my faith in Zachary.  I was so consumed with changing him and trying to mold him into a normal child, that I was forgetting that HE was the magic bullet.  The faith was misplaced.  The faith I needed was Blind faith.  Faith that no matter what happened, he was perfect just the way he was and my focus needed to shift back and remember exactly WHY I was inundating myself with so much information and by not putting my faith in God and Zachary, I was setting myself up time and again for huge disappointments.  All it takes is a shift in perception to realize that between me Zach and God we can move mountains and the most difficult mountain to move was accepting that sometimes the mountain is not meant to move.  This is not to say that I do not believe in therapies that can help him, but I no longer am on the band wagon of "fixing what is wrong."  It is more of "enhancing what is right" and realizing the strength and wisdom that WE possess, and believe in the concept that ZACH knows what is best for him and HE will guide me.  It's not about the end result, it is about the process.  I can't wait to sit down with him and let HIM explore the IPAD and show ME what he wants to do with it.  This is HIS chance to show me and not the other way around.  I feel blessed that I can finally make peace with all of the old disappointments and look to the future and the process, and the bonding that can be learned from spending time together.  The ipad box holds a different kind of hope for me.  Not the desperate "here we go again" but the calm and peaceful curiosity of opening up my eyes to all of the gifts that boy has to share.  They were always there and I am more than ready to become HIS student and not the other way around.

1 comment:

rayemarske said...


What incredible insight into what is right about Zachary and your faith in God and your son. Beautifully written and very poignant...for all of is a great lesson!